Traditional Thai Massage

  Using a relaxing blend of tradition all tension is released from the body and mind with techniques unique to this sublime oriental massage. Performed on the floor, an ingenious system of movements loosen and stretch the body, with techniques unique to this ancient massage working on the energy lines, which run throughout the body, it releases blockages, opens the chakras, increasing your energy and flexibility whilst inducing a peaceful mind.


  The knowledge of Chinese reflexology points. With the relaxable massage technique stimulates the wind elements and balance of all four elements in the human body. Earth, water, wind and fire.
 Reflexology point in the feet that balance and energize the organs and different parts of the body, also very good for the activities.

Thai Herbal ball Hot Compress massage

A traditional synergy of Thai herbs is combined in cotton purses to provide hot compresses. These unique aromatic compresses are applied all over the body providing relief to areas of tension or stiffness whilst taking you on a journey to the orient that will leave you feeling supple and relaxed.

Back-shoulder and Head massage

This massage concentrates on the areas where most
of our stress and tension builds and can be relaxing.                 
 Distressing or uplifting the mind and body.

Thai Herbal Scrub

Designed for skin revitalization integrating the use of Thai Herbal rich ingredients.
Your skin will be cleaned and left nurtured and renewed.

Manicure and Pedicure ( Classic )

A full treatment will soften & soothe before the removal of hard skin which can cause discomfort followed by an application of nail
varnish of your choice.

All Hair Salon Service
